Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

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The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) stands as a critical framework for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of software products. At QA Harbor Limited, our dedicated team of experts understands the paramount importance of navigating through each phase of the STLC meticulously.

From requirement analysis to test closure, our comprehensive approach aims not only for defect detection but also for the enhancement of software quality. Let’s delve into the key phases and strategies that constitute an effective Software Testing Life Cycle.

What is STLC?

Ans: STLC stands for Software Testing Life Cycle. STLC is a sequence of different activities that are performed by the testing team to ensure the quality of the software or the product In an easy way we can say that, STLC is a step-by-step procedure to test any new software.

What are the phases of STLC?

Ans: Phases are dependent on the nature of the software or the product, time, and resources allocated for the testing. There are six major phases of STLC.

  1. Requirement Analysis: During this phase of STLC, analyze and study the requirements. When the customer gives the requirement the company product manager collects the requirement and comes to the company and explains that requirement to the technical team. After that, the team will analyze the requirement and create a document where they gather/collect all the requirements a system study is the study of the requirement. Making the technical team understand the requirement is nothing but a system study and the project manager will make the requirement understandable to the technical team.
    • Entry Criteria: Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
    • Exit Criteria: List of all testable requirements.
  2. Test Planning: The testing plan is nothing but all the future testing-related activists it means how many testing engineers are going to work on the particular release, which testing engineers are going to work on which particular model, how many days testing engineers will take to complete the testing process for the particular release, which automation tool they have to use for a particular release, this all are things will be part of the test plan. It is a plan or document that comes with future-related activities.
    • Entry Criteria: Requirements Documents
    • Exit Criteria: Test Strategy, Test plan, Test Effort estimation, and cost of the project.
  3. Test Case Designing: In this phase, there are multiple cases the first one is (a) System study: Which is done by individual test engineers. Suppose, Five test engineers, and each is assigned with particular module A module is going to be tested by one engineer and B module is going to test another engineer so it’s nothing but every individual testing whatever module is assigned to the particular engineer he/she will study or understand that particular module in detail. (b) once the system study is done engineers have to identify all possible scenarios which is called IPS. Whatever scenario has to be tested in the application that scenario has to be identified. Every testing engineer will identity all possible scenarios for a particular module. (c) Then they have to write all test cases after this they get it reviewed. (d) Once after review is done engineers have to fix the review comment. (e) When it is done then get the approval. (f) When approval is done the test case will be stored in the test case reporting tool.
    • Entry Criteria: Requirements Documents
    • Exit Criteria: Test cases, Test Scripts, Test data.
  4. Test Environment Setup: A test environment is a server that allows you to run the test cases you have defined. The test environment includes more than just setting up a server to run tests on. It also involves hardware and network configuration. In other words, a test environment enables you to create identical environments every time you need to test your product. It’s the most important tool for a testing engineer to have confidence in the testing results.
    • Entry Criteria: Test plan, Smoke Test cases, Test Data
    • Exit Criteria: Test Environment
  5. Test Execution: Test Execution is nothing but we will have the set of test cases with you and you will have an application by looking into the test cases you will test the application and mark the test cases as pass or fail.
    • Entry Criteria: Test plan document, Test cases, Test data, Test Environment.
    • Exit Criteria: Test case execution report Defect report.
  6. Defect Reporting: If the fortune of functionality is not working according to the customer’s requirement then the QA tester will raise a defect which is nothing but defect reporting. Test engineers they get defected for;
    • Wrong implementation
    • Missing implementation
    • Extra implementation
  7. Test closure: when defect reporting is done. In this stage test lead will prepone the report after preponing the report test lead will tell which test engineers were involved in which particular module testing and how many bags we found out and how many test cases were in the past stage, how many test cases are failed. what is the past test case percentage all will get in this stage?
    • Entry Criteria: Test case Execution report, Defect report
    • Exit Criteria: Test closure report

What are the Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria in STLC?

Ans: There have Entry and Exit Criteria for all levels in the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).

Entry Criteria: Entry means when to start testing and Entry Criteria is a set of conditions that must be met or fulfilled before we can start the testing process.

Exit Criteria: Exit means when to stop testing and Exit Criteria is a set of conditions that must be met or fulfilled before we can certify the testing process as complete.

What are the Benefits of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?

Ans: STLC benefits :

  • It increased consistency and effectiveness as project requirements were analyzed.
  • Clear and defined goals for test products, which helps track the project’s process.
  • The confidence in each feature passes testing before adding additional features.
  • Tests are designed in a meaningful manner.
  • Specifications are clear, which helps the team.
  • It’s a systematic approach that quickly resolves bugs and defects in the product.
  • Verify that project requirements are met.

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